Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Child Rearing Practice Among Filipino Family free essay sample

Infant and childhood behavior and development are affected by parental expectations, caretaking, and childrearing practices. The different persons the young child is exposed to during the developmental process, and the various stimuli presented to it exert a tremendous effect on its outcome. There are no universally-set uniform rules on childrearing. Different nationalities have varied perspectives on what are considered positive and negative behavior traits in the children as well.Some culture traits are valued differently, as can be seen in the importance of punctuality among the Japanese, and hospitality among Filipinos, hence, the emphasis given to these values, when bringing up the children from different country. Because of the growing changes of modernization and technology, childrearing practices have undergone much change over time, so that traditional patterns are now giving way to more liberal and less restrictive attitudes. I, myself can testify that child rearing from family to family may vary depends on how their parents have been raised as well. We will write a custom essay sample on Child Rearing Practice Among Filipino Family or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page It’d be passed on to generations to the next. I was raised with both Filipino parents inheritance but with of Japanese culture in the package. It wasn’t as complicated as it may to grow in learning both culture and the adjustment and confusion may come into play. Other families may have different from mine, there were a lot of things I can’t do that their children can or places they are allowed to go to without difficulty in asking their parent permission. My grandparents are the ones who let us practice the other side of the culture from what reality is presented to us.They are very strict and discipline is essential. The traits and values regardless from what culture, is highly observed in the house. The girls should be well-groomed and must learn the household chores as a preparation to be well developed ladies, as my grandparents will say. The boys must abide the rules of my grandfather in making it to college and get a degree with a decent job to support their future family. Curfew is observed as well with the siblings and it is necessary to eat our meals together.Typical Filipino family may have these traits with much more or less depends on the factors it may adhere. I grew up with my Mother playing both roles as parents and for some reason she has to abandon us for a better living and support us more efficiently. Children with guidance from the grandparents may be a factor as well with the child development. Social support, economic income, marriage stability, beliefs, culture, security; such factors have to entwined with both parenting and childrearing.Father’s are considered the ultimate provider and/or most powerful authority and the Mother’s are the caretakers. In the process of childrearing, the family prepares each member for his role in the community and in the society by transmitting proper values to the child. Values refer to the standards of evaluation that people use to view objects, ideas or actions as desirable or undesirable, right or wrong, appropriate or inappropriate. Among the important values are ; respect and obedience for lders; modesty and proper behavior, responsibility such as helping parents or siblings; friendliness; human concern and interaction with others or pakikisama; reciprocal feeling of obligation between two persons. Other Filipino values that are not as desirable are dependency, often carried into adulthood; shyness or hiya, a feeling of low self-esteem; and colonial mentality, the Filipino attitude of having a preference for foreign things and ideas or consumer goods. To enforce the teaching or transmission of these values to the small child, authoritarianism was the rule.Physical punishment in different forms, from scolding or tongue-lashing, threatening, spanking, pinching, ear pulling, and sometime, whipping were resorted to. There are however contrasting c hildrearing practices between the traditional authoritarian parents and the younger parents of today who are more liberal, and more conscious of children’s rights. In contrast to the authoritarian upbringing which consists of prohibitions and constant admonitions for the child to stop touching, clowning, jumping or talking, climbing or running around, the more liberal parents tend to be responsive, indulgent and overprotective. They give constant attention and hardly make any demands on the children. Food, toys, and other rewards are promised to pacify the child. Among the lower-income families, children are sent on errands, or are asked to assist in house-cases of child labor or even child exploitation. In the rearing of the Filipino child, control of aggressive behavior is emphasized. Children should be able to control their anger without striking out others, especially towards their parents or elders.It is not the anger itself that is undesirable, but the manner of epressing it, as a great author claimed. Children are also encouraged to be unselfish, to share food or toys with other, and help younger siblings. Love of God and trust in the Lord are inculcated. Parents and teachers emphasize the value of prayer and keeping God’s word by obeying His commandments and their parents, especially in religious schools. As to sibling interaction, the hierarchy of authority in the family dictates obedience to older brothers and sisters.The oldest child takes the place of the parents who are absent or no longer living. The older siblings take it upon themselves to look after the younger ones, to the point of making a lot of personal sacrifices just to support them. Children were brought up fearing their parents, especially their fathers. The Filipino family of today has undergone a lot of changes brought about by the forces of modernization and urbanization. It is plagued with many economic difficulties made more difficult by over population and underemployment.Personality traits ascribed to specific nationalities are deeply related to their culture, to what they value, and to what they deem important. These traits are acquired from the first days of life. Some are transmitted biologically to the unborn by genetics; some are effects of the immediate environment which include the manner of childrearing. The manner of childrearing itself varies among families, just as the family also undergone so many changes over the past centuries.

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